Creation of correspondence zones by calculations as the raster image |
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The mode works with open matrixes of heights, layers, qualities. Display parameters are set in a dialogue window: the initial matrix of the necessary type is selected (following order is set in the matrixes list : matrixes of heights (files with expansion mtw, mtr), matrix of layers (files with expansion mtl), matrix of qualities (files with expansion mtq)), the count of colors is established, their gradation in the given range, a line of arithmetical operations and logic conditions of display is filled . The number of operations and conditions is not limited. If parameters of color (count of colors, gradation, values of a minimum or a maximum) are changed it is necessary to press Update button, that the data in generalizing window (color + a range of values) corresponded to the validity. The line of conditions on which construction is made, consists of two parts: - Left - arithmetic actions above layers; - Right - logic operations.
These parts incorporate is familiar " = ". To fill in this Line of conditions it is necessary to choose Type of operation (Arithmetic actions or Creation of a set of conditions), and then by using the offered data (Making matrixes, Set of operations, Number) to make a condition of construction. The table Making matrixes is various for different types of matrixes. For a matrix of heights it consists of a relief, for a matrix of layers - from a relief and the list of layers, for a matrix of qualities - from relative size. If the data in a line of conditions are entered wrongly, they can be corrected by deleting its consistently (Back button) or completely having cleared a line (Clear button). Back mode works only for the current Type of operation. The line of conditions also may consist from one part (left or right). If logic conditions (the right part) are given only, the two-colored raster map is under construction as the data for building of a matrix are absent. Values on which the raster or matrix map is under construction may be of two types: - Relative (for a matrix of layers it is power of a layer, for a matrix of qualities - simply any value); - Absolute (absolute height of a relief in matrixes of heights and matrixes of layers).
For a relief value is always set in absolute units (matrixes of heights and matrixes of layers). For matrixes of qualities value is set in relative units.
Logic conditions communicate among themselves by means of the following logic operations: > It is more, >= it is more or equally, < it is less, < = it is less than or equal, = = it is equal, ! = it is not equal, ! Denying, or logic addition, and logic multiplication.
The name of the Output file (a raster or a matrix) is set automatically and consists of a file name of an initial matrix with addition of a matrix attribute ("_mtr", "_mtl", "_mtq") and expansion *.rsw (for a raster map) or expansion *.mtq (for a matrix of qualities). This file name may be changed by the user. Area of creation may be: - All area occupied by an initial matrix; - A rectangular fragment; - An any fragment; - A contour of the chosen object; - A fragment given in coordinates.