Raster map editor

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Use Raster Editor  item of Tools menu to activate raster map editor.

The Raster Editor is controlled by a sub-panel  placed at the bottom of the program main  window  at  its (Raster Editor) starting.

The control panel of the Raster Editor represents a set of  keys, each of which corresponds to the definite mode.

The key assignment is commented in a message line at finding the cursor above appropriate.

After completion of the operation the fulfilled changes are saved in the appropriate file *.rsw.

During editing the raster image all controls a raster and map are accessible (color, brightness and visibility of the graphic palette, scale, permission , binding of a raster etc. - can be changed at any moment).

The opened for only reading rasters are unavailable to editing.

Functions of the Raster Editor:

ici_606 - Select raster;

ici_607 - Eraser;

ici_608 - Pencil;

ici_609 - Filling area;

ici_610 - Filling poligon;

ici_611 - Line;

ici_612 - Rectangle;

ici_613 - Circle;

ici_619 - Select pen and brush colors from raster;

ici_620 - Select pen and brush colors from graphic raster palette;

ici_621 - Thickness;

ici_622 - Increase thickness;

ici_623 - Decrease thickness;

ici_625 - Undo;

ici_654 - Select next raster;

ici_655 - Select previous raster;

ici_624 - Marker.

For changing the raster parameters (binding, scale, framework etc.) the auxiliary panel Working with raster will be used.

Only one raster is always edited. For change of an edited raster it is necessary to use modes:

ici_606 - Select raster;

ici_654 - Select next raster;

ici_655 - Select previous raster.