Creation and editing of map object's metrics |
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Dialog of creation and editing of the metrics of map object is intended for editing the metric description of existing map object, and also for creation of new object by way of entering of the coordinates values of points describing this object. Input and editing of object coordinates can be carried out in left rectangular system of coordinates (X - upwards, Y - to the right) or geodetic system of coordinates (latitude B, longitude L). Switching onto geodetic system of coordinates probably only if the current map supports recalculation from rectangular into geodetic system. In case the edited (created) object contains the three-dimensional metrics, automatically an input of absolute height of a point (H) becomes accessible. If at editing three-dimensional object to switch-off Н option, the third coordinate (height) at points will be removed. If to switch on Н option for bidimentional object, into points in which on a current map there is an open matrix of heights, the height taken from a matrix will be automatically placed. To points for which it is impossible to define automatically height (the open matrix is not present), as the third coordinate the pseudo-code of erroneous height (-111111) will be given.
In order to add a metric characteristic, it is necessary to choose modes
The Spline option serves for switching-on (and switching-off) at edited object of an attribute of a dynamic spline. The contour of such objects is constructed during the moment of displaying on the screen in the form of an enveloping dynamic spline.
Input and editing of object points of an electronic map (in system X, Y) can be carried out in one of three modes (during input the switching of modes is allowable):
In a mode of direct input of rectangular coordinates (X, Y) use of prefixes (automatic input of initial symbols repeating for all entered points in values of coordinates) is possible. In lines: PrefixX and PrefixY the constant values are entered, which will be automatically copied into corresponding cells of the table before their filling. In a mode of direct input of geodetic coordinates (B, L), values of coordinates may be presented in one of three kinds: - G M S.s (the whole degrees, minutes and seconds with the tenth shares, for example: 55 24 ' 15.643"); - G M.m (the whole degrees and minutes with the tenth shares, for example: 55 24.261206 '); - G.g (degrees with the tenth shares, for example: 55.404345).
Besides, it is possible to enter geodetic coordinates in WGS 1984 system ("by default" - Krasovsky's ellipsoid 1942) Editing of increments (dX, dY) is possible in two modes: with fixing coordinates; and with fixing increments. In a mode of fixing coordinates at editing an increment to a current point, coordinates of only this point (increments from a current point to following will change also) will change. In a mode of fixing of increments earlier increments existed for an edited point will be kept (coordinates of following further points will be counted). Entered values of angles (directions) can be submitted by one of four types: - direction angle (0-360 ° clockwise from a direction onto the north); - right rotary angle; - left rotary angle; - the bearing (NE - 0-90 ° clockwise from a direction onto the north, SE - 0-90 ° counter-clockwise from a direction onto the south, NW - 0-90 ° counter-clockwise from a direction onto the north, SW - 0-90 ° clockwise from a direction onto the south, 90°NE = 90°SE, 90°NW = 90°SW, 0°NE = 0°NW, 0°SE = 0°SW).
In the bottom part of a window the additional toolbar is located. Execution of a cancelling of the previous actions (up to 256 steps back) is possible before saving of object or switching of a mode of coordinates input. Besides, deleting and duplication of a current point, fast moving to the beginning and to the end of the table, closing, change of a direction and deleting (except for the main one) of a current subobject, and also installation of the beginning of a subobject into a current point (for the closed subobject) are possible. In the right part of a dialog window the scheme of created object is displayed. To increase and decrease the image it is possible by pressing the corresponding buttons. Position of the current point is displayed by "punch". The current subobject is displayed by two colors: by dark blue color - from the first point up to the current point, by red color - from the current point up to last point (for fast visual definition of a digitizing direction). All other subobjects (if they are) are displayed by brown color. In the dialog, when creating a point object by entering coordinates from the keyboard by enabling the Show object semantics option, the possibility to set semantic characteristics to created object is provided. The table displays the semantics that are assigned to the object in the classifier and have the type a digital value, character string or code from the classifier. Processing of semantics of type the Code from the classifier is carried out by double-clicking in the corresponding cell of the tables. If you need to create a set of point objects, you can enter the coordinates of several points in one table and set the semantics. According to this data, several objects will be saved onto the map.